Mike Corlett (MC Chair), Dominic Hardwick (DH), Geoff Bridson (GBr), John Leech (JL), Andrew Simcock (AS), Mary Christie (MCh), Tony Parkinson (TP), Debbie Hilal (DH), Greg Stanton (GS), James Wilson (JW), Ellie Sams (ES)
1.Welcome and Apologies
James Wilson (JW), Louise Smail.
2. Minutes of the DCS General Meeting held on 8th November 2021
Minutes have been issued and accepted: Proposed (CW) and Seconded (GB)
3. Matters Arising
Two of the three matters arising are now progressing.
Individual Action/Response
Mersey Valley Flooding Protection
Environment Agency. Outcomes: The public would prefer a different nominated place to evacuate to than Wythenshawe Forum. The E. A. want to be more effective working with the homes most likely to be affected by the flooding. .
Evacuation point now Didsbury Central Mosque The DCS have been advised that the EA and MCC will host “a managing flood risk” at the Northenden Social Club on the 23rd March 3pm to 7pm. With a registration system going live in the next few days
Septic Tank and Culvert Stenner Lane
There are requests now submitted to check and improve the situation. Overall, the main cause is not fully understood.
Work has taken place and the situation improved. The culvert still needs monitoring.
Fields in Perpetuity
An initial meeting is scheduled with Parks this week. This was asked for in March 2021 and is now progressing.
Meetings have taken place and progressing. A further progress update required.
Matters Arising continued:
The subject of the increased graffiti was further debated. Whilst not resolved we ask residents to continue reporting issues, and we are seeing very good responses from the telecommunications companies in removing tags from the green and grey boxes. However as fast as it is removed, the graffiti reappears namely the tags AYC, Maca and now the new one Peak, which for residents is not good and contributes to a run-down look in the district. The councillors present advised that we should also contact GMP which has now been done. (ES) has agreed to take up the issues of graffiti, how we tackle it, report it and progress the follow up etc. Please report any activity seen to GMP as it is criminal damage to property.
4. Business:
Heritage Programme
The DCS requested Councillor support in the form of a NIF Grant to continue the filming programme of the participating sites. With the finished product updated into the public domain and placed onto the DCS YouTube channel in perpetuity. The DCS were also asked if they would share the amount required, by match funding. (MC) advised that DCS funds were now significantly reduced but would consider it as an option. It should also be remembered that our projects are for the benefit of all community groups and residents rather than the DCS solely. (ES) advised that sponsorship is also an option being considered by the group. (GS) suggested that Conker Communications may be worth approaching and who are Didsbury centric.
The DCS had some concerns that where licensing objections had been raised. That the objector`s names can end up in the public domain. We have been advised by the MCC Director of Planning and councillor (JL) that all objector`s names are redacted from the documents except in the case of the applicant. Who has a duty to try and bridge the concerns raised by the objectors?
Queens Platinum Jubilee
The DCS are in discussion with Emmanuel Church and Mike Pollard of Home Cafe to be part of their celebrations on Thursday 2nd June 2022
Didsbury Plan and Future Didsbury 2021
With the retirement of Sir Richard Leese, a copy of the above plan has now been sent to the new leader Bev Craig. We have been advised to continue discussing with all of our local councillors. Councillor (GS) has suggested that such a meeting be held after the May 2022 local elections.
Treasurer Report:
The bank balance at the 28th February 2022 was advised as £8422.21.
With a Gift Aid recovery for 2020 received on 7th March 2022 of £309.29.
Payments being received progressively. With reminders being issued towards the end of March 2022.
(GBr) raised a question of tree safety due to the number of mature trees falling during the recent storms. It was thought that inspections take place on a 5-7 years basis although this was unconfirmed. Whilst some were snapped off by the strong winds, some appear to be rotten at the roots with a large one falling in Didsbury Park (pictured below). Photographs being issued under separate cover.
Late News We are pleased to announce that the memorial plaque in memory of Jim Leeming has now been installed in the Jubilees Gardens above the Acer Tree recently planted.
Next Meeting: TBC
Planning and Licensing
Total Applications: 21
Approved: 17
Further information required:
Suggestions and Comments made: 4
Refusals: 0
All house numbers are in the public domain on the MCC Planning and Licensing portal
MCC Ref No
425 Parrswood Road
Erection of single storey side ext.
Appears to be part of a certificate of lawful use
DCS has no objection to this proposal
St Catherine`s R C Primary
Extension of existing servery to form a fully equipped kitchen
Certificate of lawful development
DCS has no objection to this application
821 Wilmslow Road
Works to tree, crown lift and crown reduction
DCS has no objection to this application
7 Old Broadway
Works to trees, T1 fell Eucalyptus, T2 Red Plum 20% crown reduction and pruning of branches overhanging neighbour`s garden.
DCS has no objection to this application
44 Kingston Road
Erection of two storey dwelling house after demolition of existing property
The DCS has concerns regarding the demolition of the existing building and rebuilding Does this action conform with MCC Green Agenda policies?
DCS has no objection to this application if it conforms to agreed policies regarding carbon offset of old and new material use.
The Stables Wilmslow Road
Installation of 7 air handling units in concealed roof valley. With support decking
DCS has no objection to this application
13 Lynway Drive
Erection of a single storey rear extension and pitched roof
DCS has no objection to this application
3 Crandon Drive
Erection of a single storey rear and part single/two story side ext.
DCS has no objection to this application
14 Lynway Drive
Erection of a 2 storey, side and front ext
DCS has no objection to this
16 Arthog Road
Erection of 2 storey side and front extension
The DCS has some concerns about a possible over development.
DCS will have no objection to this application. Subject to the comments.
16 Old Broadway
Works to trees, proposed felling of Holly Tree T1 and pruning of a Wisteria
DCS has no objection to this application
825 Wilmslow Road
Works to tree T24 mature Yew, prune canopy, reduce spread, prune canopy G43 mature Holly by 2 metres.
DCS has no objection to this application
Flat 1 Lawnhurst,826 Wilmslow Road
Works to tree, prune Ash T1 remove large limb on RHS to 3.5 metre
DCS has no objection to this application
31 Victoria Ave
Erection of single storey side and rear ext
DCS has no objection to this application
Car Park 2 Davenfield Grove
Application to discharge condition 7 (contact details) and condition 8 (management strategy)
DCS has no objection to this application
29 Pine Road
Works to tree, T7 Cedar remove.
DCS has no objection to this application
Flat 1 Weaver House, 10 Barlow Moor Road
Works to tree, proposed felling of large tree damaging Victorian perimeter wall
There are concerns that this proposal could facilitate a car park expansion. The carpark is already large and untidy. The wall should also be reinstated to its original Victorian standard.
DCS has no objection to the proposal
704 Wilmslow Road
Application to discharge condition 3 (acoustic insulation) attached to planning application 131865/FO/2022
DCS has no objection to this application
2 Barlow Moor Road
Discharge of condition 1 (timescale), 3 (hours), 4 (servicing hours).5 (refuse) and 6 (composite panels) attached to 131169/FO/2021
DCS has no objection to this application
Flat 4, 3 Elm Road
Installation of Bifold doors to existing rear dormer window and creation of a balcony. Replacing existing side steel balcony, door and windows to side elevation.
The DCS has concerns regarding the large width of the bifold doors. The proposed balcony is also a large projection. Rather than a Juliet style one. The balcony will also give views over the surrounding gardens. The plan would also detract from the objective of a conservation area.
DCS would have no objection to this proposal subject to the recommendations.
5 Twyford Close
Erection of a part single/part 2 storey rear ext. Re-roofing existing garage.
Last Updated: October 30, 2022 by Didsbury Civic Society
General Meeting 14th March 2022
Via zoom
Mike Corlett (MC Chair), Dominic Hardwick (DH), Geoff Bridson (GBr), John Leech (JL), Andrew Simcock (AS), Mary Christie (MCh), Tony Parkinson (TP), Debbie Hilal (DH), Greg Stanton (GS), James Wilson (JW), Ellie Sams (ES)
1.Welcome and Apologies
James Wilson (JW), Louise Smail.
2. Minutes of the DCS General Meeting held on 8th November 2021
Minutes have been issued and accepted: Proposed (CW) and Seconded (GB)
3. Matters Arising
Two of the three matters arising are now progressing.
Matters Arising continued:
The subject of the increased graffiti was further debated. Whilst not resolved we ask residents to continue reporting issues, and we are seeing very good responses from the telecommunications companies in removing tags from the green and grey boxes. However as fast as it is removed, the graffiti reappears namely the tags AYC, Maca and now the new one Peak, which for residents is not good and contributes to a run-down look in the district. The councillors present advised that we should also contact GMP which has now been done. (ES) has agreed to take up the issues of graffiti, how we tackle it, report it and progress the follow up etc. Please report any activity seen to GMP as it is criminal damage to property.
4. Business:
Heritage Programme
The DCS requested Councillor support in the form of a NIF Grant to continue the filming programme of the participating sites. With the finished product updated into the public domain and placed onto the DCS YouTube channel in perpetuity. The DCS were also asked if they would share the amount required, by match funding. (MC) advised that DCS funds were now significantly reduced but would consider it as an option. It should also be remembered that our projects are for the benefit of all community groups and residents rather than the DCS solely. (ES) advised that sponsorship is also an option being considered by the group. (GS) suggested that Conker Communications may be worth approaching and who are Didsbury centric.
The DCS had some concerns that where licensing objections had been raised. That the objector`s names can end up in the public domain. We have been advised by the MCC Director of Planning and councillor (JL) that all objector`s names are redacted from the documents except in the case of the applicant. Who has a duty to try and bridge the concerns raised by the objectors?
Queens Platinum Jubilee
The DCS are in discussion with Emmanuel Church and Mike Pollard of Home Cafe to be part of their celebrations on Thursday 2nd June 2022
Didsbury Plan and Future Didsbury 2021
With the retirement of Sir Richard Leese, a copy of the above plan has now been sent to the new leader Bev Craig. We have been advised to continue discussing with all of our local councillors. Councillor (GS) has suggested that such a meeting be held after the May 2022 local elections.
Treasurer Report:
The bank balance at the 28th February 2022 was advised as £8422.21.
With a Gift Aid recovery for 2020 received on 7th March 2022 of £309.29.
Payments being received progressively. With reminders being issued towards the end of March 2022.
(GBr) raised a question of tree safety due to the number of mature trees falling during the recent storms. It was thought that inspections take place on a 5-7 years basis although this was unconfirmed. Whilst some were snapped off by the strong winds, some appear to be rotten at the roots with a large one falling in Didsbury Park (pictured below). Photographs being issued under separate cover.
Late News We are pleased to announce that the memorial plaque in memory of Jim Leeming has now been installed in the Jubilees Gardens above the Acer Tree recently planted.
Next Meeting: TBC
Planning and Licensing
Total Applications: 21
Approved: 17
Withdrawn: 0
Further information required:
Suggestions and Comments made: 4
Refusals: 0
All house numbers are in the public domain on the MCC Planning and Licensing portal
Category: Minutes
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