The Old Parsonage Stenner Lane Didsbury Manchester M20 2RQ 0161 445 7661

General Meeting 14th February 2022

Via zoom


Mike Corlett (Chair MC), Mark Clayton (RMC), Gordon Browne (GB), Dominic Hardwick (DH), Carol Wilkinson (CW), Geoff Bridson (GB), John Leech (JL), Andrew Simcock (AS), Mary Christie (MCh), Tony Parkinson (TP), Pam Venning (PV), Debbie Hilal (DH), Greg Stanton (GS), Richard Kilpatrick (RK)

1.Welcome and Apologies


James Wilson (JW), Louise Smail.

2. Minutes of the DCS General Meeting held on 8th November 2021

Minutes have been issued and accepted: Proposed (CW) and Seconded (GB)

3. Matters Arising

Two of the three matters arising are now starting to progress.

SubjectActionIndividual Action/Response
Mersey Valley Flooding ProtectionEnvironment Agency. Outcomes: The public would prefer a different nominated place to evacuate to than Wythenshawe Forum. The E. A. want to be more effective working with the homes most likely to be affected by the flooding. .Mobile notifications were working last week and confirmed at meeting. Individuals have to enrol to warning system.   The DCS would still prefer the full plan details to be widely circulated to residents rather than a limited issue.  
Septic Tank and Culvert Stenner LaneThere are requests now submitted to check and improve the situation. Overall, the main cause is not fully understood.  Reported to Environmental Agency. Ref No 21111001MB08 by the DCS. Culvert cleared of debris approx. 3 weeks ago. Continuous monitoring and clearing required.
Fields in PerpetuityAn initial meeting is scheduled with Parks this week. This was asked for in March 2021 and is now progressing.Meetings have taken place and progressing. A further progress update required.

4. Business:

Parrswood Railway Bridge Update

The DCS wrote on the 27th January to the CEO of Network Rail regarding the lack of progress and delays of 5-6 years in the project. Surprisingly we had a very quick response by return on the 4th Feb from the local Community team advising that escalating costs have restricted any progress. It is evident that water runoff is still very problematical, which is also evident in most of the local bridges on this rail route. The DCS would suggest that the finished artwork is used to support the HODs programme for 2022.

Costa Coffee Wall Art progress update

The project is progressing with NIF Grants being applied for and approved by MCC, a big thank you to MCC for your support. We also have Grant Applications in progress for consideration by other Charitable Funders. Meetings have also now taken place with the Costa Coffee property management who have been very positive towards the project subject to minimal business disruption considerations.   

Cenotaph Garden of Contemplation progress update

Good progress is being made, again with great support from MCC. A Grant Application has been made with Parks in Partnership (PIP), along with other Charitable Funders being approached and progressed. Importantly, MCC have advised that they will now undertake the ongoing maintenance of the garden which is great news. Thank you again MCC.

Heritage Open Doors:

The DCS plan to participate in the 2022 programme. Richard Kilpatrick has agreed to head up this year`s organisation, with the usual team of Sue Good, Carol Wilkinson and Ellie Sams.

The DCS would like to record its thanks to Steve Parle for his past work in organising and managing the programme over the years on our behalf. Thank you. DCS Trustees.


The DCS has expressed its concern at the increase in local graffiti especially on Railway bridges and telecommunications “green and grey box” street furniture. There appears to be two culprits around Didsbury and further afield with the tags Maca and AYG. It is disappointing as we had a good response from the owners in its removal, but only to then reappear again. This is both expensive to clean off and contributes to the run down look in the district, which as residents is not good. Please report any activity seen to GMP as it is criminal damage, and if known to the equipment owners.

Stenner/Ford Lane Carpark:

The DCS has reported the poor state of the carpark to the Environment Agency due to its large pot-holes and large puddles. It is a poor appearance for visitors to Didsbury and the Mersey Valley. The EA advised that it was not on their property registry and not their responsibility. Enquiries with the local MCC council team now advises that under the social value provisions of the procurement framework, the supply chain procedures require the delivery of community good deeds. Such as the car park being relayed. This again is great news. This car park is also ideal for a payment regime via bank cards, using a solar powered payment point to offset maintenance costs and fund continuous site improvement. This site is also an easy venue for fly tipping which is now a regular occurrence. The parking fees charged could be used to provide both the installation of the solar power and WiFi security cameras, which have now reduced significantly in market pricing and would provide enhanced site protection and safety.

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Licencing Hours:

The DCS is concerned with the current Licensing Hours creep, with 02:30 being applied for on Fridays and Saturdays as the “norm” When queried the response is usually that we will not normally use it, so why is it being requested? Continued agreement will have a subsequent knock-on for other bars and pubs requesting additional hours, which may impact street cleansing from take away shops and noise of bottles etc being skipped after hours.

Street Cleaning Wilmslow Road:

The inset green Bench and Bin area at the Jubilee Garden close to Cafe Nero does not appear to be cleaned when Biffa visit. Is this for MCC/Biffa or Southway to carry out?

Social Trip:

The next trip is planned for Thursday 28th April 2022 taking in the Trentham Gardens Shopping Outlet and a tour of the Wedgewood Pottery Factory. The cost will include, coach travel, carvery lunch, the tour of Wedgewood. Final details to follow.

Treasurer Report:

The bank balance was advised as £8209.96


Many members started to pay their 2022 subscriptions early in December 2021. Whilst membership numbers have reduced over the last few years, especially during the Covid Pandemic, we have been lucky in receiving a number of valuable donations from members, for which we sincerely thank you all.


There was no additional business

Next Meeting: 14th March 2022

Planning and Licensing Applications Meetings

Total Applications: 15
Approved: 15
Further information required:
Suggestions and Comments made: 3
Refusals: 0

All house numbers are in the public domain on the MCC Planning and Licensing portal