Along with Councillors and bids to Clean City funds, DCS has been instrumental in ensuring Didsbury is clean and an inviting place. Pavements have been deep cleaned, graffiti removed and new bins promised. Members regularly contact the Council if there are any issues regarding bins, litter and blocked drains.
Didsbury In Bloom volunteers, supported by DCS, have a village clean up three times a year.
Jubilee Gardens
This is situated on the corner of Grange Lane and Wilmslow Road. It was opened in 2002 for the Queen’s Golden Jubilee. Previously this corner of Didsbury had looked rather unattractive, but through grants totalling over £30,000 a landscaped area of accessible gardens was created. The plants and shrubs were refreshed in 2014 and a small community vegetable garden created. This is now a popular place for people to sit and watch Didsbury go by.
A section of Jubilee Gardens
Binswood Hall
Was saved from demolition in 2008. Today it comprises several stunning apartments.
Binswood Hall
Heritage Open Days (HOD) Pioneer Award
For over 20 years the DCS has been heavily involved in HOD which is England’s biggest heritage festival. It celebrates our fantastic history, architecture and culture; offering people the chance to see hidden places and try out new experiences. In 2014 DCS was winner of the Pioneer Awarded by the national organisers for its contribution to HODS over the last 20 years.
The Pioneer Award to DCS
Supporting renovation of the Lapwing Lane Canopy
DCS Supported the Friends of Lapwing Lane Arcade by raising funds and were involved on the committee for the restoration of the canopy over the shops. This is the Edwardian structure which had become dilapidated and friends did not wish it to be repaired in materials or a style which would damage its original design.
The canopy on Lapwing Lane
Stenner Lane community orchard
In 2011 a group of DCS volunteers planted a community orchard near to the Didsbury Sports Ground. This orchard has flourished producing plums, pears and apples for all to pick and enjoy.
New lighting on the Metrolink pathway
DCS lobbied the Councillors for Didsbury East to ensure that lighting, essential for safety, was placed along the pathway from the Metro station through to Elm Road.
Supporting a cleaner environment
Along with Councillors and bids to Clean City funds, DCS has been instrumental in ensuring Didsbury is clean and an inviting place. Pavements have been deep cleaned, graffiti removed and new bins promised. Members regularly contact the Council if there are any issues regarding bins, litter and blocked drains.
Didsbury In Bloom volunteers, supported by DCS, have a village clean up three times a year.
Jubilee Gardens
This is situated on the corner of Grange Lane and Wilmslow Road. It was opened in 2002 for the Queen’s Golden Jubilee. Previously this corner of Didsbury had looked rather unattractive, but through grants totalling over £30,000 a landscaped area of accessible gardens was created. The plants and shrubs were refreshed in 2014 and a small community vegetable garden created. This is now a popular place for people to sit and watch Didsbury go by.
Binswood Hall
Was saved from demolition in 2008. Today it comprises several stunning apartments.
Heritage Open Days (HOD) Pioneer Award
For over 20 years the DCS has been heavily involved in HOD which is England’s biggest heritage festival. It celebrates our fantastic history, architecture and culture; offering people the chance to see hidden places and try out new experiences. In 2014 DCS was winner of the Pioneer Awarded by the national organisers for its contribution to HODS over the last 20 years.
Supporting renovation of the Lapwing Lane Canopy
DCS Supported the Friends of Lapwing Lane Arcade by raising funds and were involved on the committee for the restoration of the canopy over the shops. This is the Edwardian structure which had become dilapidated and friends did not wish it to be repaired in materials or a style which would damage its original design.
Stenner Lane community orchard
In 2011 a group of DCS volunteers planted a community orchard near to the Didsbury Sports Ground. This orchard has flourished producing plums, pears and apples for all to pick and enjoy.
New lighting on the Metrolink pathway
DCS lobbied the Councillors for Didsbury East to ensure that lighting, essential for safety, was placed along the pathway from the Metro station through to Elm Road.
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