The Old Parsonage Stenner Lane Didsbury Manchester M20 2RQ 0161 445 7661

Minutes of the General Meeting held on Monday 14th November 2022

Via Zoom


Mike Corlett (MCo Chair), Gordon Browne (GB), Debbie Hilal (DH), Carol Wilkinson (CW), Pam Venning (PV) Ellie Sams (ES), Mark Clayton (MCC), Phil Downs (PD), Geoff Bridson (GBr), T Parkinson (TP) Anne-Marie O` Driscoll (AMOD) Minutes 

Welcome and Apologies for Absence: 

Richard Kilpatrick (RK), Andrew Simcock (AS), James Wilson (JW), John Leech (JL). Mary Christie (MCh), Anne Peart (AP), Mike Leeming (ML).

Acceptance of the Minutes of the DCS General Meeting held on the 26th September 2022

Proposed: Carol Wilkinson Seconded Pam Venning

Matters Arising:

Storm debris and damage raised 13th June and 11th July: 

DH advised that she had taken up the outstanding situation regarding the damage to the wall at Philip Godlee Lodge wall, as the responsibility had been transferred by MCC to PGL. Confirmation is awaited to whether MCC will have the work carried out and raise a charge to the management company. 

Business Agenda

1.Follow up Parrs Wood Railway Bridge (EDY) Artwork:

This item was included to the agenda after last month`s discussion regarding the concerns to the quality of the Network Rail work, damage to the artwork before and after installation and other matters. It was noted that the names of the individual subjects are now being displayed. Though the repairs are still a work in progress, it was suggested that it would be good to have progress updates shared with the wider community groups including the DCS. 

2.Fly Tipping/Waste in Elm Grove

Why is fly tipping now a regular problem outside of Didsbury C of E School? It regularly appears that large commercial dumpsters are left close to the old school doorway. Are the perpetrators the restaurant businesses or the apartment residents? Importantly, the school should not have to put up with this problem. It is understood that CCTV is now in place therefore is MCC Enforcement active and will prosecutions take place? 

3.Cenotaph and Garden of Contemplation

The 3 Designers artwork is now on public display in Home Café until Thursday 17th November and then will transfer to Didsbury Library for continued public display. There are Critique forms for public to complete and vote on their preferred design. Your vote and opinions are important and could decide which is the one to go forward into Didsbury history.

4.King Lynn Close

There are regular problems being reported in this road, which appear to be connected to the Kansas Chicken shop and the apartment above including fly tipping of rubbish and broken furniture etc which is probably from the flat above, along with the dumpsters which are parked on public display even though the shop is not currently in use. This property is problematical and a better and active “due diligence” needs to be put in place by the business franchise operator, landlord and MCC Planning and Licensing, ensuring that operators are fit and proper to run a business. Importantly, it is not continuously going into Administration and closing down as it is now.

Treasurers Report:

The bank balance as at the 31st November 2022 stands at £9218.52

Any other Business:

General Discussion

It was also pointed out that outdoor furniture and planters at Zeugma are encroaching on the public pavement at more than 1.2 metres of the permitted width. The high street generally was looking better with units let and active. Significant improvement is evident at the recently re-opened The Famous Crown. A lack of progress is evident at Bar 186.   


It has been advised by MCC that AMEY are responsible contractually for the fly posting and graffiti to the Wilmslow Road lamp standards. The DCS in conjunction with Councillors has collected the numbers and submitted the details with a CRM raised covering the number of each offending post and hopefully cleaning work will take place soon. 


The DCS have also noted and advised MCC that road crossing control boxes are also either graffitied or have stickers with political or questionable content and we have been advised that these will also cleaned up as soon as possible.

Pavements Works

(GBr) raised the issue of the number of digging ups and barriers across the Didsbury and South Manchester area with open diggings, plastic barriers, equipment and closed and narrowed pavements, some appear to be for Gas others Fibre Optics installations. Whilst the works are all probably important could there not be a better community engagement in these areas, especially for those with disability having to negotiate the obstacles. 

Yours sincerely

Mike Corlett

DCS Chair