Minutes of the General Meeting held on Monday 9th January 2023
Via Zoom
Mike Corlett (MCo Chair), Debbie Hilal (DH), Carol Wilkinson (CW), Pam Venning (PV), John Leech (JL) James Wilson (JW), Anne-Marie O` Driscoll (AMOD) Minutes
Welcome to attendees
Apologies for Absence:
Richard Kilpatrick (RK), Gordon Browne (GB), Andrew Simcock (AS), Mary Christie (MCh),
Acceptance of the Minutes of the DCS General Meeting held on the
14th November 2022.
Proposed: Carol Wilkinson Seconded Pam Venning
Matters Arising / On Agenda
Storm debris and damage raised 13th June and 11th July:
Didsbury Cricket Club (Wilmslow Road) steel fencing still missing and not replaced, caused by falling MCC roadside tree. Now 12 months old.
Bradley Fold Allotments, damaged security fence from January 2022 storms. DCS were previously advised that payment has been made for repairs. No work to date has been carried out Now over 12 months old.
Philip Godlee Lodge, Damaged external roadside sound and pollution wall. It is understood that the PGL location management are responsible via lease for repairing this wall area (on Wilmslow Road). Storm damaged in January 2022. Again, this problem is now 12 months old. Should this responsibility not be shown in signage for reporting purposes as no action is taking place by PGL Management to repair the damage? Is it practical to have 3rd parties responsible for public land especially that which is in a dangerous condition?
NB All the repairs have been outstanding now for 12 months and need carrying out after at least three regular mentions.
Business Agenda
1.The DCS and the Didsbury Community are arranging a Public Health Meeting which will take place at the Didsbury Baptist Church Hall on the 6th February 2023. There will be two speakers advising on the effects of air quality both in house (cleaning products and CFCs etc) and atmospherically outside on an individual`s
Health. This is a free meeting, open to all, the event is also supported by MCC.
2.DCS Membership Renewal is currently going well with payments being made early. Thank you
3.Pavements, Upheaval and Reinstatement. Locally considerable work has been taking place in Didsbury without any residential advance notifications being made, such as leaflets through doors or on street furniture etc. The work mainly seems to be telecommunications infrastructure with BRSK fibre optics (light blue barriers) and also at least one significant sewer excavation.The reinstatement appears to have been carried out on a minimalist basis, with cracked and mismatched slabs used along with rough unsealed tarmac. The DCS would ask what has happened to the “like for like” replacement agreed. Even the clearing up has been minimalist. Are MCC Highways advising, checking and enforcing the latest MOT standard`s to their contractors? This work has visibly made our poor pavements even worse to the residents of Didsbury.
4.Increased Road and Pavement Flooding and Puddling is on the rise along Barlow Moor Road even after further remedial work has taken place. Considering we are promoting public walking and cycling, going along Barlow Moor Road on a wet day is a difficult task risking a minimum of a ducking and damaged clothing.
5.School Lane carpark (Warburton Street side) a considerable amount of the wall requires reinstatement with most of the bricks now being absent.
6.The DCS is trying to work with other Didsbury Volunteer Groups and feel it would be an advantage to share meeting minutes and even have representative places at other local group meeting`s allowing reporting back to their groups. Giving a clearer picture of Didsbury Events, we are currently exchanging information wherever possible with Probus, U3a and People, Place and Planet and WI etc.
7. Fletcher Moss Park Consultation. It was reported in the Didsbury Post about a consultation taking place on:
which was actually not accessible to readers. The meeting was advised that it was actually, about the laying down of future standard proposals for public parks, however, it may have missed many actual users and their views lost.
Treasurers Report:
The bank balance as at the 31st December 2022 stands at £9870.84
Any other Business:
a) It was reported that AMEY appear to have carried out the removal of the fly postings along Wilmslow road. The DCS will check the lamp post numbers when time permits
b) It was also advised that TfGM have still not removed the already reported fly posting and graffiti on the road crossing control boxes etc, which makes it unpleasant for users to touch the equipment to operate the signals.
c) The return by DCS to Face to Face meetings was discussed with a least cost option of perhaps a physical meeting every 3 months being a possibility. Various central locations were mentioned with No 6 Barlow Moor, The Parrwood Pub and Didsbury Pub being mentioned as possible venues.
Last Updated: February 26, 2023 by Ellie
Minutes of the General Meeting held on Monday 9th January 2023
Via Zoom
Mike Corlett (MCo Chair), Debbie Hilal (DH), Carol Wilkinson (CW), Pam Venning (PV), John Leech (JL) James Wilson (JW), Anne-Marie O` Driscoll (AMOD) Minutes
Welcome to attendees
Apologies for Absence:
Richard Kilpatrick (RK), Gordon Browne (GB), Andrew Simcock (AS), Mary Christie (MCh),
Acceptance of the Minutes of the DCS General Meeting held on the
14th November 2022.
Proposed: Carol Wilkinson Seconded Pam Venning
Matters Arising / On Agenda
Storm debris and damage raised 13th June and 11th July:
NB All the repairs have been outstanding now for 12 months and need carrying out after at least three regular mentions.
Business Agenda
1.The DCS and the Didsbury Community are arranging a Public Health Meeting which will take place at the Didsbury Baptist Church Hall on the 6th February 2023. There will be two speakers advising on the effects of air quality both in house (cleaning products and CFCs etc) and atmospherically outside on an individual`s
Health. This is a free meeting, open to all, the event is also supported by MCC.
2.DCS Membership Renewal is currently going well with payments being made early. Thank you
3.Pavements, Upheaval and Reinstatement. Locally considerable work has been taking place in Didsbury without any residential advance notifications being made, such as leaflets through doors or on street furniture etc. The work mainly seems to be telecommunications infrastructure with BRSK fibre optics (light blue barriers) and also at least one significant sewer excavation. The reinstatement appears to have been carried out on a minimalist basis, with cracked and mismatched slabs used along with rough unsealed tarmac. The DCS would ask what has happened to the “like for like” replacement agreed. Even the clearing up has been minimalist. Are MCC Highways advising, checking and enforcing the latest MOT standard`s to their contractors? This work has visibly made our poor pavements even worse to the residents of Didsbury.
4.Increased Road and Pavement Flooding and Puddling is on the rise along Barlow Moor Road even after further remedial work has taken place. Considering we are promoting public walking and cycling, going along Barlow Moor Road on a wet day is a difficult task risking a minimum of a ducking and damaged clothing.
5.School Lane carpark (Warburton Street side) a considerable amount of the wall requires reinstatement with most of the bricks now being absent.
6.The DCS is trying to work with other Didsbury Volunteer Groups and feel it would be an advantage to share meeting minutes and even have representative places at other local group meeting`s allowing reporting back to their groups. Giving a clearer picture of Didsbury Events, we are currently exchanging information wherever possible with Probus, U3a and People, Place and Planet and WI etc.
7. Fletcher Moss Park Consultation. It was reported in the Didsbury Post about a consultation taking place on:
which was actually not accessible to readers. The meeting was advised that it was actually, about the laying down of future standard proposals for public parks, however, it may have missed many actual users and their views lost.
Treasurers Report:
The bank balance as at the 31st December 2022 stands at £9870.84
Any other Business:
a) It was reported that AMEY appear to have carried out the removal of the fly postings along Wilmslow road. The DCS will check the lamp post numbers when time permits
b) It was also advised that TfGM have still not removed the already reported fly posting and graffiti on the road crossing control boxes etc, which makes it unpleasant for users to touch the equipment to operate the signals.
c) The return by DCS to Face to Face meetings was discussed with a least cost option of perhaps a physical meeting every 3 months being a possibility. Various central locations were mentioned with No 6 Barlow Moor, The Parrwood Pub and Didsbury Pub being mentioned as possible venues.
Yours sincerely both
Mike Corlett
DCS Chair
Category: Minutes
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