Mike Corlett (Chair MCo) Dominic Hardwick (DH) Richard Kilpatrick (RK) Mark Clayton (RMC), Pam Venning (PV), Carol Wilkinson (CW), Louise Smail (LS), Phil Downs (PD), Gordon Browne (GB), Andrew Simcock (AS) James Wilson (JW), Brian Johnson (BJ) Geoff Bridson (GB) Mark Youlden (MY), Ellie Sams (ES).
1.Welcome and Apologies
Apologies: Mary Christie (MCh), Tony Parkinson (TP), John Leech (JL)
2.Minutes of the DCS General Meeting held on 9th March 2020
Minutes were issued –but will be included as notes due to time lapse.
3.Planning and Licensing Sub Group
a) Didsbury Police Station
6 x 2 bed apartments with extended frontage, with no parking. DCS will object.
b) Ex-Church building, Albert Hill St – currently used as offices
Will be 3 houses with increased parking.
c) Jessiefield Spath Road – McCarthy Stone 34 Apt Retirement development
DCS will oppose the re-development, with the demolition of existing house
large parking area, increased traffic.
d) Kumani Housing – School Lane
Was former launderette and shops. Planning approved. All buildings now
demolished. (GB) awaiting progress.
(All Minutes from the sub-committee will soon be inserted shortly on new
website and also attached)
4.Finance – £7935.31in the bank
a) Gargoyle Fund (£2895.00) – Guidance being followed in line with Charity
Commission`s advice. We are making progress and advertised in line with
CC guidance. Notice on Library notice board and NatWest notice board. Now been displayed more than 3 months. DCS will now put together a formal plan about how we would like to spend the fund.
b) Christmas Lights
Money on the accounts for 5+ years for the lights Didsbury Village – so the
money will be paid over (£535) to the Traders Christmas lights.
c) Legacy Received – Noel Grundy (Deceased)
Also, some generous donations received this year especially from both Life
and Annual members who responded to our Newsletter requests.
- Membership
- We received news of the passing of 3 long standing members Thelma
Gowenlock, Mrs Campbell Smith and Noel Grundy. - Enrolled 4 new Members – hard to get new members.
- (PD) suggested that DCS could think about levels of membership to include younger people. Has already written to local schools for Future Didsbury. (PD) to submit a paper for discussion.
- Didsbury Plan 2020 – 2023
a) Will be issued with December 2020 Newsletter. All original contributors have updated their contributions. It will incorporate Future Didsbury.
b) Includes an appendix of possible Didsbury Projects to be prioritised and funds raised.
c) Our new DCS Website is in Beta testing. A big thank you for the splendid work by Ellie and Alex who have worked really hard and delivered within 2 months (they have also completed one for the OP as well).
a) Remembrance Sunday 9/11/20 – DCS Wreath was laid at a socially distanced mini ceremony.
b) Quarterly Newsletter – was well received including some in hard copy. The next issue deadline 23rd November 2020.
c) Still some drainage issues on roads when there is heavy rain. Specifically, Sandhurst Road. (JW) said he would take this matter away and get it looked into. (MCo ) reported the deterioration of the road surface at top of Sandhurst and Dalston reported it and it was repaired within 3 days. A MCC well done.
d) There was a discussion on the current surge in unremoved graffiti and fly posting in Didsbury.
e) There was discussion regarding the Remembrance weekend when there were many overflowing waste bins, mainly with coffee cups and bottles, around the village centre, the Cenotaph and Jubilee Gardens.
f) There has been a noticeable number of people seen possibly speeding on various battery scooters on the public roads.
E-scooters’ UK speed limit ‘shocks’ blindness charity – BBC News
Next Meeting 14th Dec 2020 AGM over Zoom
Last Updated: December 7, 2020 by Didsbury Civic Society
Minutes 9th November 2020
Mike Corlett (Chair MCo) Dominic Hardwick (DH) Richard Kilpatrick (RK) Mark Clayton (RMC), Pam Venning (PV), Carol Wilkinson (CW), Louise Smail (LS), Phil Downs (PD), Gordon Browne (GB), Andrew Simcock (AS) James Wilson (JW), Brian Johnson (BJ) Geoff Bridson (GB) Mark Youlden (MY), Ellie Sams (ES).
1.Welcome and Apologies
Apologies: Mary Christie (MCh), Tony Parkinson (TP), John Leech (JL)
2.Minutes of the DCS General Meeting held on 9th March 2020
Minutes were issued –but will be included as notes due to time lapse.
3.Planning and Licensing Sub Group
a) Didsbury Police Station
6 x 2 bed apartments with extended frontage, with no parking. DCS will object.
b) Ex-Church building, Albert Hill St – currently used as offices
Will be 3 houses with increased parking.
c) Jessiefield Spath Road – McCarthy Stone 34 Apt Retirement development
DCS will oppose the re-development, with the demolition of existing house
large parking area, increased traffic.
d) Kumani Housing – School Lane
Was former launderette and shops. Planning approved. All buildings now
demolished. (GB) awaiting progress.
(All Minutes from the sub-committee will soon be inserted shortly on new
website and also attached)
4.Finance – £7935.31in the bank
a) Gargoyle Fund (£2895.00) – Guidance being followed in line with Charity
Commission`s advice. We are making progress and advertised in line with
CC guidance. Notice on Library notice board and NatWest notice board. Now been displayed more than 3 months. DCS will now put together a formal plan about how we would like to spend the fund.
b) Christmas Lights
Money on the accounts for 5+ years for the lights Didsbury Village – so the
money will be paid over (£535) to the Traders Christmas lights.
c) Legacy Received – Noel Grundy (Deceased)
Also, some generous donations received this year especially from both Life
and Annual members who responded to our Newsletter requests.
Gowenlock, Mrs Campbell Smith and Noel Grundy.
a) Will be issued with December 2020 Newsletter. All original contributors have updated their contributions. It will incorporate Future Didsbury.
b) Includes an appendix of possible Didsbury Projects to be prioritised and funds raised.
c) Our new DCS Website is in Beta testing. A big thank you for the splendid work by Ellie and Alex who have worked really hard and delivered within 2 months (they have also completed one for the OP as well).
a) Remembrance Sunday 9/11/20 – DCS Wreath was laid at a socially distanced mini ceremony.
b) Quarterly Newsletter – was well received including some in hard copy. The next issue deadline 23rd November 2020.
c) Still some drainage issues on roads when there is heavy rain. Specifically, Sandhurst Road. (JW) said he would take this matter away and get it looked into. (MCo ) reported the deterioration of the road surface at top of Sandhurst and Dalston reported it and it was repaired within 3 days. A MCC well done.
d) There was a discussion on the current surge in unremoved graffiti and fly posting in Didsbury.
e) There was discussion regarding the Remembrance weekend when there were many overflowing waste bins, mainly with coffee cups and bottles, around the village centre, the Cenotaph and Jubilee Gardens.
f) There has been a noticeable number of people seen possibly speeding on various battery scooters on the public roads.
E-scooters’ UK speed limit ‘shocks’ blindness charity – BBC News
Next Meeting 14th Dec 2020 AGM over Zoom
Category: Minutes
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