Seq. | Ref No. | Address | Proposal | Comments | DCS Recommendation |
1. | 131925/FH/2021 | 24 Dalston Drive | Erection of a first-floor front extension, part single/two storey side and rear extension following demolition of existing garage and single storey rear outrigger to form additional living accommodation | House extension | DCS has no objection to this proposal |
2 | 131973/FH/2021 | 24 Willow Way | Erection of single storey rear extension to provide additional living accommodation including reroofing of existing outrigger | House extension | DCS has no objection to this proposal |
3 | 132043/FH/2021 | 90 School Lane | Erection of a two-storey side extension and part single, part two storey rear extension to provide additional accommodation | House extension | DCS has no objection to this proposal |
4 | 132052/FH/2021 | 141 Fog Lane | Erection of single storey rear extension to provide additional living accommodation | House extension | DCS has no objection to this proposal |
5 | 132059/PDE/2021 | 8 Didsbury Park | Prior notification of proposed larger home extension | Notice only | |
6 | 131877/FO/2021 | Flat 7 157 Palatine Rd | Installation of roof dormers and roof-lights to front and rear, alterations to existing side dormers and provision of cantilevered balcony to side to form additional living accommodation | House extension | DCS has no objection to this proposal |
7 | 132069/FO/2021 | Former Police Station Car Parking Area, Davenfield Grove | Temporary change of use of car parking area to form builders-compound (installation of welfare unit, WCs, car parking spaces and storage area) for a period of 12 months to be used in connection with the redevelopment of the former Didsbury Police Station | Notice expired | DCS has no objection to this proposal |
8 | 131937/FH/2021 | 58 Lynnwood Road | Erection of two storey side and single storey rear extensions to form additional living accommodation | House extension | DCS has no objection to this proposal |
9 | 131966/FH/2021 | 41 Brooklawn Drive | Erection of a single storey side and rear extension to form additional living accommodation following partial demolition of existing rear extension | House extension | DCS has no objection to this proposal |
10 | 132019/FH/2021 | 76 Brooklawn Drive | Hip to gable conversion with rear dormer and erection of single storey side and rear extension to provide additional living accommodation | House extension | DCS has no objection to this proposal |
11 | 132099/FH/2021 | 5 Moorland Road | Erection of 2.4 metre-high, timber fencing, 2.5 metre-high, timber pergola and installation of raised decking to rear garden area | Fence Work | DCS has no objection to this proposal |
12 | 132140/FH/2021 | 6 Sussex Avenue | Erection of part single/part two rear extension, installation of front dormer together with erection of a single storey detached garage following demolition of existing detached garage | House extension | DCS has no objection to this proposal |
13 | 132135/TCA/2021 | 29 Parkfield Rd South | Works to trees – London Planes (T1 – T4) – Cut back all the lateral branches that grow towards the garden to suitable growth points, taking approximately 4m off the longest branches; Cherry (T5) – Cut back lateral branches growing towards the front door area by approximately 1m and reduce the height of the tree by 2m; Copper beech (T6) – Crown lift to 5m Reduce height by 3m and cut back lateral branches by 1m; Cedar (T7) -Crown lift to 12m and reduce height by 1.5m; | Routine maintenance | DCS has no objection to this proposal However, if any trees are removed a suitable replacement should be planted |
14 | 132146/TCA/2021 | The Coach House Parkfield Road South | Works to trees – G1 2x Sycamore – Fell to ground level | Remove self-seeded “weed” trees. | DCS has no objection to this proposal If any trees have to be felled, we would request that quality replacements are planted in replacement |
15 | 131654/FH/2021 | 894 Wilmslow Road | Erection of a two-storey side, single storey rear extension, installation of new gabled roof, elevational alterations, together with installation of rear dormer to form additional living accommodation following partial demolition of existing single rear storey extension | House extension | DCS has no objection to this proposal |
16 | 131980/FH/2021 | 837 Kingsway | Erection of a single storey side and rear extension to provide additional living accommodation | House extension | DCS has no objection to this proposal |
17 | 132051/FH/2021 | 1 Willow Way | Erection of a part single/part two storey rear extension and rear dormer to form additional living accommodation following demolition of existing single storey rear extension and front porch | House extension | DCS has no objection to this proposal |
18 | 132147/FH/2021 | 6 Didsbury Park | Erection of a two-storey side and rear extension and single storey rear extension to replace existing conservatory | House extension | DCS has no objection to this proposal |
19 | 132163/TCA/2021 | 7 Didsbury Park | Works to tree – T1 Beech Tree – Crown lift to 5 meters and reduce the crown by15% in order to gain more light. | Tree works | DCS in principle has no objection Although it’s a very high lift |
20 | 132171/FH/2021 | 42 Brooklawn Drive | Erection of a single storey side and rear extension to form additional living accommodation | House extension | DCS has no objection to this proposal |
21 | 132181/FH/2021 | 114 Atwood Road | Erection of a single storey rear extension following demolition of existing outrigger to form additional living accommodation | House extension | DCS has no objection to this proposal |
22 | 132189/FH/2021 | 11 Baldock Road | Erection of a single storey rear extension to form additional living accommodation | House extension | DCS has no objection to this proposal |
23 | 132208/NMC/2021 | 19 Fairmile Drive | Non-material amendment | | DCS has no objection to this proposal |
24 | CDN/21/0832 | Unit 1 The Southpoint 12 Lane End Road | Discharge of condition | | DCS has no objection to this proposal |
25 | 131865/FO/2021 & 132085/AO/2021 | Melt Diner 704 Wilmslow Road | Retention of installed external extraction equipment Installation of internally illuminated high level sign and hanging sign suspended below balcony | Vent and [lit] signage | DCS has concerns with this proposal The sign is not in keeping and gaudy in colour. It is also hung very low above the pavement presenting an opportunity to be swung on. There is also significant concern with the 20” vent pipe which is also not in keeping and is hideous for the local residents overlooking the site. |
26 | 132150/TCA/2021 | 14 Pine Road | Works to trees – Cherry (T1) – In rear garden – Remove deadwood greater than 25mm diameter. Part crown reduce large side stem with included union by 30% of volume (approximately 1-2m) to reduce weight. London Plane on front boundary (T2) – Remove deadwood greater than 25mm diameter. Crown lift to 5m over road Clear telephone wires. Remove single epicormic shoot from house side of main stem. | Routine tree maintenance | DCS has no objection to this proposal However, the DCS would request that if any trees are removed, that they are replaced with suitable replacements |
27 | 132166/FO/2021 | 700 Wilmslow Road | Installation of enclosed pergola structures to front and rear outdoor seating areas of existing restaurant and associated works | Replace previous | DCS has no objection to this proposal |
28 | 132217/TCA/2021 | 6 Barlow Moor | Works to trees – proposed pruning works to G1 row of 7x Lime Trees, 1x Robinia Tree, 1x Oak Crown lift to 2.5 meters plus remove deadwood | Routine tree maintenance | DCS has no objection to this proposal However should any trees be felled, we would request suitable replacements are planted |
Last Updated: October 30, 2022 by Didsbury Civic Society
Planning & Licensing Report: October – November 2021
Major consultations
95 flats at Tesco’s Parrswood. We have currently not seen any proposal documentation. Current issues include: is the car park as underused as the applicant claims, possible overdevelopment, with parking for residents, traffic and possible displacement of recycling facility. Large s.278 agreement recommended. Likely the consultation is a “sighting shot” to see what they might be accepted. It is a build to rent, so strong management required with importantly reviews – we will look them up.
Other concerns. Outside seating area at Didsbury PH. Should the flags it be York or other stone, of the proportion paved?
There were 28 planning applications and 3 licencing applications considered.
Installation of internally illuminated high level sign and hanging sign suspended below balcony
Stokers Arms Use of upstairs for functions – possible noise issue to neighbouring flat.
Premises Licence (new) 266947/BJ1 – Bean Coffee, Scottscroft Building, Tower Business Park. Not clear if it really is new. If just to permit occasional staff functions etc. probably OK, but if just another bar then probably not. Hours of supply and opening do not match up.
Street trading consent 266475 PLN Trading over a very wide area, but concerned that van may just park up long term in favoured spot so detract from established traders and not serve areas promised.
Category: Minutes
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