The Old Parsonage Stenner Lane Didsbury Manchester M20 2RQ 0161 445 7661

General Meeting 13th June 2022


Mike Corlett (MC Chair), Andrew Simcock (AS) John Leech (JL), Debbie Hilal (DH), Greg Stanton (GS), Anne-Marie O`Driscoll (AMOD), Carol Wilkinson (CW), Mark Clayton (MC), Gordon Browne (GB), Mary Christie (MC), Ellie Sams (ES), Brian Johnston (BJ), Geoff Bridson (GBr).

(AS) Advised his intentions to leave the meeting early. Leaving the meeting at 20:20

Welcome and Apologies for Absence:

Welcome to Anne-Marie O`Driscoll, and apologies from James Wilson (JW) and Tony Parkinson (TP)

Acceptance of the Minutes of the DCS General Meeting held on the 14th March 2022

Proposed: Carol Wilkinson Seconded Debbie Hilal

Matters Arising:


Business Agenda:

Graffiti in Didsbury:

Concerns have been raised regarding the increase in graffiti generally. Notably In Didsbury Park, on the Poppy Path bridge, numerous telecommunications street furniture, road crossing control boxes and structures. Both BJ and ES echoing concerns and experiences. As suggested at the last meeting written concerns have been raised with GMP. Without the benefit of a response.

An escalation has been made with Jeff Smith MP with written response suggestions received. After the discussions which followed it was agreed that the solutions suggested were regarded as currently impractical due to the following. The extent of the anticipated funding required to carry out such a project, the fact that this problem is happening now and degrading our Didsbury now, the amount of investigation required to establish property ownership and absentee landlords etc. The actual difficulty in obtaining an individual landlord`s approval for such a project, the business buy-in required, and also the agreement of the various Utility companies involved. It is also important to remember that some of the defaced furniture belongs to MCC and their lack of a clean-up activity requires addressing.

It was suggested and agreed for an approach being made to the various street furniture owners to explore the possibility of obtaining donations of paint supplies which could be held centrally issued and used by members and associated groups to carry out paint over actions, obliterating the tags etc.

Cenotaph Garden of Contemplation update:

Three potential designers now chosen. The last date for submission of designs is fixed as 15th September 2022. The submissions will then go on public exhibition at up to three locations namely Didsbury Library, The Old Parsonage and Emmanuel Church Hall for public response.

Previous Wind Debris and Damage:

The meeting was advised by (GS) that MCC were aware that past damage to public areas had not been repaired or debris removed for example at Didsbury Cricket Club, Wilmslow Road and Bradley Fold Allotments. The meeting was also advised that in addition other local locations were also on the list for resolution.

Dandara/Tesco Housing Development

Whilst there are concerns about the number of car parking spots allocated and the effect on customers visiting and using the site. The building height suggested has been now been reduced along with the number of apartments on offer. Though it has the plus of affordable housing within the proposal. The biggest concern with the proposal is the known and still growing problem of the Parrswood traffic congestion, associated air pollution, and the continuous increase in road user numbers. Also, that the road layout has never been changed or improved, since Tesco took over the site. There are buses stopping at their allocated stands which block moving traffic, such as Stockport bound buses blocking the left turn lane when loading and unloading at the bridge due to the proximity of the Stockport left turn lane and the lack traffic enforcement of the hatched box junction. A similar blocking problem can occur when shoppers leave the car park and wish to turn right for Didsbury when buses are again standing at the bus stop at the park triangle. Reducing the lane area to vehicle drivers.

Importantly, a road scheme was submitted when the original Tesco development was approved which was rejected by MCC Highways due to cost. Over the pursuing years the road layout has been regarded as a “failed junction”. Should this development be approved or rejected the road problems will remain and increase. Along with the pollution and threats to public health.

Barlow Moor Road Grids and Gullies:

It was advised that further work had been carried out since the road was resurfaced. The grids have now been jetted out. However, it was advised that some blockages still persist.

Repair Status Dene Road/Ford Lane and Wilmslow Road area:

It was advised that this particular area is budgeted for and on the list for resurfacing work to be carried out, though there is a back log.

DCS Social Trip to World of Wedgwood

A great day out was had by 39 members, with a carved lunch, a visit to the Wedgwood Museum and a guided tour around the manufacturing area. Thanks to Gordon and Margaret for all of their efforts, preparation and planning which these events. A further venue is being researched for a trip in September 2022.

Heritage Open Days Programme 2022:

New sites to be added and further filming at locations to take place for the DCS YouTube channel.

Didsbury Sports Ground:

It is understood that the secure fencing planning application had been withdrawn. However, the DCS have not been advised of this action or whether an amended application was being submitted. As a group asked to comment on Didsbury applications, surely MCC Planning and Licensing should work more closely with associated groups to keep them advised on status.

The DCS were invited and recently visited the facility. The community work carried by this organisation with young people is very important to both residents and family groups and needs be continually developed wherever possible.

Treasurers Report

The Bank balance at 31/5/2022 including grants and project donations is £12008.37

Any Other Business:

Mary Christie has advised that she will stand down as DCS Secretary and Trustee on the 30/6/2022. Though plans to remain a fully active member. The Chair thanked Mary for her dedication and all of hard work during her tenure of office. She will still be around to see out her involvement in active projects.

The DCS has also been advised that the senior manager for South Manchester Wards Fiona Worrall will be retiring and replaced by Neil Fairlamb. We wish Fiona a great retirement.

Planning and Licensing

MCC Ref NumberAddressProposalCommentsApproval
132547/FH/202161 Kingston RoadDischarge of condition 3 (materials)  DCS has no objection to this application
118202/FO/201729 Clothorn RoadDischarge of condition 3 (contaminated land) DCS has no objection to this application
132734/FH/202231 Maywood AveDischarge of condition 5 (gas membrane) DCS has no objection to this application.
131001/FH/2022Beech Cottage, Grange LaneDischarge of condition 3 (method statement) DCS has no objection to this application
133891/LO/2022Didsbury Hotel, Wilmslow Road.Listed building consent for the installation of one post mounted pictorial sign. Two sets of sign-written house name letters. Two post mounted welcome signs. 1 sign written directional sign following removal of projecting sign.Whilst the number of signs proposed seems excessive. Most would not be visible to local residents. Whilst there were objectors to MCC appropriating what was the village green it had already been maintaining it for a long period. The procedures followed were democratic and lawful. It is important that the lessors recognise that they do not own this land it belongs to the public. DCS has no objection to this application. Subject to the comments attached. The current garden structure and layout has improved the area.
133830/FO/2022569-571 KingswayErection of a part single part two storey side and rear extension. DCS has no objection to this proposal.
133804/FH/202231 Brooklawn DriveErection of a single storey side extension. Hip to gable roof with associated rear dormer. DCS has no objection to this proposal.
133771/FH/202212 Marton AveErection of two storey side extension and two storey front extension. After the demolition of existing garage. DCS has no objection to this proposal
133767/FH/20228 Albury DriveErection of a single storey rear extension. With associated elevational alterations. DCs has no objection to this proposal.
133746/FO/2022Tesco ParrswoodErection of 6 storey, 75no apartments, with ground floor amenity space, landscaping and associated car parking. With affordable rent proposedWhatever outcome is decided. MCC will have to ensure serious work, in particular in relation to a s278 agreement takes place in the Parrswood triangle to resolve the extremely high level of congestion which takes place in the area. MCCs commitment to pollution emissions will have to be considered and not avoidedDCS is not opposed to any sensible housing proposal. Delivering quality solutions to local housing requirements.
133738/PDE/20221 Saddlewood AveErection of a two-storey side and rear extension together with a single storey front porch The DCS has no objection to this proposal
133697/FH/202252 Didsbury ParkErection of two storey side and rear extension. With a single storey front porch. The DCS has no objection to this proposal.
133677/FH/202228 Leyland AveErection of a single storey front and two storey side and rear extension and elevation alterations DCS has no objection to this proposal
133357/FH/202284 Bankside RoadErection of two storey side extension following demolition of a garage. DCS has no objection to this proposal
133668/FH/2022  33 Harefield DriveCertificate of lawful proposed development for a hip to gable roof extension, together with the installation of a rear dormer. DCS has no objection to this proposal.
133778/JO/2022Ex Didsbury Police StationsTree works to lift the crown of a Pine (T1) to an indicated point DCS has no objection to this proposal
133798/FH/2022588 Wilmslow RoadWorks to trees: removal of (T1) Lawson Cypress, (T2) Damson, (T3) Mock Orange, (T4) Lilac, (T5) Stone Pine. With replant of Amelanchier or RowanDCS is pleased to see that a replant programme is in placeDCS has no objection to this proposal
133821/TCA/202225 Parkfield Road SouthErection of a two-storey side extension and single storey rear extension. DCS has no objection to this proposal
133823/FH/202270 Springdale GardensErection of a two-storey side extension and a single storey rear extension DCS has no objection to this proposal
133842/FH/2022129 Lapwing LaneWork to trees T1 Lime Tree. Crown lift to 5 metres plus reduce crown by 20% to gain more light. DCS has no objection to this proposal.
122369/LO/2019Nazarene Theological College, Dene RoadDischarge of condition 3 (materials of door) and 4 (method statement for door) From listed building consent 122369/22/0341 DCS has no objection to this proposal

Total Applications: 21

Approved: 21

Withdrawn: 0

Further information required: 0  

Suggestions and Comments made: 3

Refusals: 0

All house numbers are in the public domain on the MCC Planning and Licensing portal