General Meeting and Planning and Licensing sub-committee
Mike Corlett (Chair MCo), Mark Clayton (RMC), Gordon Browne (GB),
Brian Johnson (BJ), Geoff Bridson (GB), John Leech (JL), Richard Kilpatrick (RK), Andrew Simcock (AS), Greg Stanton (GS), Debbie Hilal (DH)
1.Welcome and Apologies
Apologies: James Wilson, Linda Foley, Pam Venning, Carol Wilkinson, Dominic Hargreaves Louise Smail and Mary Christie
2. Minutes of the DCS General Meeting held on 12th April 2021 Minutes have been issued and accepted: Proposed (GB), Seconded (RK)
3. Matters Arising
Mersey Valley Flooding Protection
(RK) and (JL) have held a meeting with Environment Agency
1. (RK) & (JL) reiterated that the EA are responsible for the river up to the levee top. 2. MCC is responsible for clearing debris to public side of the river. Importantly still no action taking place from either responsible group to clear up. Importantly no updated plan to prevent further flooding issued
Septic Tank Stenner Lane
Clarification required if seepage is still occurring.
(JL) agreed to re-escalate with Parks Ciaran Wilkinson as no further update received.
Fields in Perpetuity
DCS was advised by Cllr James Wilson that he would escalate and seek further MCC Executive guidance regarding their views
To date no views or comments on this matter received from MCC
Still required: All three matters arising, still require response from MCC and the EA.
4. Planning and Licensing Sub Group
A meeting took place as usual, prior to General Meeting Chaired by (MCo). The details are at the end of the minutes, a summary is as follows:
Total Applications: 21 –
Approved: 21
Withdrawn: 0
Further information required: 0
Suggestions and Comments made: 5
Refusals: 0
All house numbers are in the public domain on the MCC Planning and Licensing portal
5. Business
Didsbury Plan and Future Didsbury
A copy of the plan has been sent to all DCS Members, Didsbury Traders Association, MCC Executive of Joanne Roney CEO, Sir Richard Lease, Mayor Andy Burnham and also Jeff Smith MP, all Didsbury East and West local councillors and the MCC District Management. In response we have received back two acknowledgements one from Sir Richard advising that discussions should be routed via our local councillors, which we have ensured are copied at each stage. Although at this early stage there has been a reticence to open discussions. On a positive note, we have had contact from Fiona Worrall District Director offering to meet up to discuss the proposals and concepts regarding the possible, and potential proposals.
CAU 700 Wilmslow Road
Some contractor activity has been witnessed in the premises. Some discussions then took place regarding whether the activities are taking place, to split the premises into the smaller more flexible three unit`s option. Parts of the location look to have been stripped out, the Covid “closure signs removed and the Circus fly posting adverts removed. To date no Planning and Licensing applications received from the owners or their agents. Although (RK) advises it is strongly rumoured that it will be a bar/restaurant and part of the Deansgate group IVIIIVI.
New Dockyard (Ex Stokers)
It appears that that the new bar operation, are carrying out Al fresco drinking on the frontage of Mad Giant. It was suggested that they may be using an App to take orders for service. It is unknown whether both managements are working in agreement. However there has also not been a submission of a request for a pavement license in line with other local organisations.
6. Finance and Membership
(MCo) reported that the bank balance stands at £8565.33, although those paying membership is reducing during this testing time.
7. A O B
Discussions took place regarding some rumours of damage taking place during the Mersey Valley flooding to both the bridges at the Waterside Manchester Road and Palatine Road Northenden, caused by tree debris floating down river, though not confirmed. It was suggested that contact is made with named Officers which (JL) will advise.
Next Planning & Licensing Meeting will be @ 6:45 for the sub group, and the General Meeting @ 7:30 on the 12th July 2021 via Zoom.
Planning Details (Item 4)
MCC Ref No
179 School Lane
Change of use Ex Minshell Motor spares to restaurant Class E
This change has been approved by Planning with shorter hours closing 23:30 Sun-Thur and 00:01 Friday to Sun
Approval granted by MCC Planning
17 Didsbury Park
Works to fell Eucalyptus tree
Tree described as rotten. Householder has planted a replacement tree. The is to the rear of house in Conservation area.
DCS has no Objections to this proposal and actions taken
22 Elm Road
Erection of first floor rear extension, flat roof terrace, raised patio and roof garden.
This proposal is in the Conservation area and the proposal should adhere to all regulations in place.
DCS is concerned that this is in the Conservation area
17 Grenfell Road
Certificate of Lawful Existing Use
Seems that this 4 bed, C4 property has been used in unapproved HMO, for over 10 years. The DCS would request MCC Planning to ensure that all safety regulations are applicable and applied to this proposal
DCS would like assurance that the landlord is made aware of the HMO rules and the obligation to adhere to them
19 Grenfell Road
Certificate of Lawful Existing Use
Seems that this 4 bed, C4 property has been used in unapproved HMO, for over 10 years. The DCS would request MCC Planning to ensure that all safety regulations are applicable and applied to this proposal
DCS again would like assurance that the landlord is made aware of the HMO rules and the obligation to adhere to them
Parkfield Ct Barlow Moor Rd
Works to trees and pruning already agreed under app 128490/TCA/2020
Works previously agreed with some additional works
DCS has no objection to this proposal
121 Lapwing Lane
Works and pruning to trees
Seems to be innocuous
DCS has no objection to this proposal
35 Pine Road
Works and pruning to trees to T1 Cherry Tree
Seems to be innocuous
DCS has no objection to this proposal
30 Ford Lane
Erection of two storey side and rear ext to form add`l living accommodation
Plan includes bring forward window. Should be in line with existing building regulations.
DCS has no objection to this proposal
14 Sandhurst Road
Erection of double garage to the front of the property.
Property is only a couple of years old. Extension outside of the Conservation area
DCS has no objection to this proposal
5 Greylands Road
Erection of part single/part two storey side ext. To form add`l living accommodation
Outside of Conservation area
DCS has no objection to this proposal
75 Morningside Drive
Erection of hip gable loft ext and installation of full width rear dormer
Outside of Conservation area
DCS has no objection to this proposal
3 Parrswood Ave
Erection of single storey front and two storey side ext. To provide add`l living accommodation
Outside of Conservation area
DCS has no objection to this proposal
23 Galbraith Road
Erection of single storey side ext, to provide add`l living accommodation
Outside of Conservation area
DCS has no objection to this proposal
8 Willoughby Ave
Installation of rear dormer and erection of first floor side ext, to provide add`l living accommodation.
Outside of Conservation area
DCS has no objection to this proposal
1 Raynham Ave
Erection of single storey side ext in roof space with dormer to front and rear and single storey exts to form add`l living accommodation
Outside of Conservation area
DCS has no objection to this proposal
633 Wilmslow Road
Works and pruning to trees Ash (T1) and Apple (T2)
DCS has no objection to this proposal
38 Brooklawn Drive
Installation of hip gable conversion together with the installation of rear dormer
Outside of the Conservation area
DCS has no objection to this proposal
633 Wilmslow Road
Works and pruning to trees Ash (T1) and Apple tree (T2)
DCS has no objection to this proposal
25 Kingsfield Road
Erection of single storey side ext, part single/part two storey rear ext to form add`l living accommodation
Outside of the Conservation area
DCS has no objection to this proposal
18 Saddlewood Ave
Erection of a single storey rear ext, a part single/part two storey side ext, hip gable to loft ext conversion with rear dormer.
Last Updated: June 23, 2021 by Didsbury Civic Society
Minutes 14th June 2021
General Meeting and Planning and Licensing sub-committee
Mike Corlett (Chair MCo), Mark Clayton (RMC), Gordon Browne (GB),
Brian Johnson (BJ), Geoff Bridson (GB), John Leech (JL), Richard Kilpatrick (RK), Andrew Simcock (AS), Greg Stanton (GS), Debbie Hilal (DH)
1.Welcome and Apologies
Apologies: James Wilson, Linda Foley, Pam Venning, Carol Wilkinson, Dominic Hargreaves Louise Smail and Mary Christie
2. Minutes of the DCS General Meeting held on 12th April 2021 Minutes have been issued and accepted: Proposed (GB), Seconded (RK)
3. Matters Arising
Still required: All three matters arising, still require response from MCC and the EA.
4. Planning and Licensing Sub Group
A meeting took place as usual, prior to General Meeting Chaired by (MCo). The details are at the end of the minutes, a summary is as follows:
Total Applications: 21 –
Approved: 21
Withdrawn: 0
Further information required: 0
Suggestions and Comments made: 5
Refusals: 0
All house numbers are in the public domain on the MCC Planning and Licensing portal
5. Business
A copy of the plan has been sent to all DCS Members, Didsbury Traders Association, MCC Executive of Joanne Roney CEO, Sir Richard Lease, Mayor Andy Burnham and also Jeff Smith MP, all Didsbury East and West local councillors and the MCC District Management. In response we have received back two acknowledgements one from Sir Richard advising that discussions should be routed via our local councillors, which we have ensured are copied at each stage. Although at this early stage there has been a reticence to open discussions. On a positive note, we have had contact from Fiona Worrall District Director offering to meet up to discuss the proposals and concepts regarding the possible, and potential proposals.
Some contractor activity has been witnessed in the premises. Some discussions then took place regarding whether the activities are taking place, to split the premises into the smaller more flexible three unit`s option. Parts of the location look to have been stripped out, the Covid “closure signs removed and the Circus fly posting adverts removed. To date no Planning and Licensing applications received from the owners or their agents. Although (RK) advises it is strongly rumoured that it will be a bar/restaurant and part of the Deansgate group IVIIIVI.
It appears that that the new bar operation, are carrying out Al fresco drinking on the frontage of Mad Giant. It was suggested that they may be using an App to take orders for service. It is unknown whether both managements are working in agreement. However there has also not been a submission of a request for a pavement license in line with other local organisations.
6. Finance and Membership
(MCo) reported that the bank balance stands at £8565.33, although those paying membership is reducing during this testing time.
7. A O B
Discussions took place regarding some rumours of damage taking place during the Mersey Valley flooding to both the bridges at the Waterside Manchester Road and Palatine Road Northenden, caused by tree debris floating down river, though not confirmed. It was suggested that contact is made with named Officers which (JL) will advise.
Next Planning & Licensing Meeting will be @ 6:45 for the sub group, and the General Meeting @ 7:30 on the 12th July 2021 via Zoom.
Planning Details (Item 4)
Category: Minutes
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