The Old Parsonage Stenner Lane Didsbury Manchester M20 2RQ 0161 445 7661

DCS Minutes for Annual General Meeting held on the 12th August 2024

For Financial Year Ending 2023

Welcome: from Mike Corlett Chair of Meeting

Attendees: Mike Corlett, Mary Christie, Carol Wilkinson, Jean Johnson, Geoff Bridson, Debbie Hilal, Jean Dawson, Dorothy Threlfall.

Apologies for Absence: Anne Peart, Mark Clayton, Gordon Browne, Ellie Sams and Richard Kilpatrick

Approval of the Minutes from the 2022 AGM: Proposed Carol Wilkinson, Seconded Mary Christie

Matters Arising from the Minutes for the 2022 AGM: None

Presentation of the Annual Accounts: The annual accounts which have been Independently examined and certified by Chris Smail and approved by the Trustees were accepted and voted on unanimously by all of those present. Now posted on line to the Charity Commission web site.

The Chairs Report:

Circulated prior to the meeting. Now posted on line to the Charity Commission web site 

Planning and Licensing: The year generally has been a quiet one, with little to report in Didsbury generally.

Election of Officers (vote by a show of hands): Mike Corlett was re-elected as Chair and trustee by all those in attendance, to serve another term

Election of Trustees: Gordon Browne, Carol Wilkinson, Ellie Sams and Richard Kilpatrick were all re-elected individually and unanimously to serve another term.

This section of the meeting was then closed to allow the General Meeting to then take place.

Mike Corlett