General Meeting and Planning and Licensing Meeting 11th October 2021
Minutes of the General Meeting and Planning and Licensing sub-committee held onMonday 11th October 2021 via Zoom.
Social Trip Nostell Priory
Mike Corlett (Chair MCo), Mark Clayton (RMC), Gordon Browne (GB), Dominic Hardwick (DH), Pam Venning (PV), Brian Johnson (BJ), Geoff Bridson (GB), John Leech (JL), Richard Kilpatrick (RK) to 8pm, Andrew Simcock (AS), James Wilson (JW), Tony Parkinson (TP)
1.Welcome and Apologies
Apologies: Carol Wilkinson, Louise Smail, Mary Christie, Debbie Hilal
2. Minutes of the DCS General Meeting held on 14th June 2021 Minutes have been issued and accepted: Proposed (GB), Seconded (RK)
3. Matters Arising
Mersey Valley Flooding Protection
Importantly no updated plan to prevent further flooding has been issued. There also does not seem to be an updated and accepted evacuation plan for the public, which was changed mid the last emergency from The Civic Centre to the Didsbury Mosque
Should the public not be re-appraised of the emergency action plan?
Septic Tank Stenner Lane
Clarification is still required whether Seepage is occurring, including clearing the culvert and water inspection sampling. Importantly this is happening in a public park and needs urgent action. As it is still outstanding after approx. 3 years.
We were advised previously that MCC Parks Ciaran Wilkinson was the Lead on this matter. To date no action or update?
Fields in Perpetuity
DCS was advised by Cllr James Wilson that he would escalate and seek further MCC Executive guidance regarding their views
To date no views or comments on this matter received from MCC. This is a matter which still requires a response at the highest level of the MCC appointed Executive rather than elected representatives.
Actions still required:
All three matters arising, still require response from MCC and the Environment Agency. Could we ask that the District Management team take up the outstanding matters for an early response?
Planning and Licensing Sub Group
The meeting took place as usual, prior to General Meeting Chaired by (MCo). The hard copy details will be issued with the GM Minutes and all inserted on the Website.
Total Applications: 4
Withdrawn: 0
Further information required: 2
Suggestions and Comments made:
All house numbers are in the public domain on the MCC Planning and Licensing portal
Full details are at the end of these minutes.
4. Business
i. Update on Ghost Wall Art (Costa Coffee)
A further Zoom meeting will take place with a sign writer artist on 21st October 2021 to seek best advice and best practice. The building owners and managing agents are indicating support for the project. The delivered project would also include the installation of a ground level story board.
ii. Cenotaph Garden of Contemplation
A small team chaired by Nick Bundock has been discussing and documenting terms of reference for the improvement project. MCC have agreed to carry out significant pruning and the squaring off to the bush area after Remembrance Sunday 2021, to make it more presentable. The discussions also include the owners of Casa Italia.
iii. Update on progress of The Jubilee Gardens
Good works are taking place between Southway Housing Trust and DCS to overhaul, weed and replant the area. A further session of perennial and bulb planting will take place on the 19th October. The area will then be cleaned and power washed as a final phase.
iv. Climate, Pollution and Green Space Open Meeting
The DCS welcomes the MCC Ward Plan. We also plan to work with MCC and hold an Open meeting for members and residents of Didsbury towards the end of November 2021 headed up by DCS Trustees (PV) and (RK).
v. DCS General Reorganisation and membership.
As previously reported, we have lost some members during lockdown due to Covid restrictions and probably age generally. We now have the ability to take funds via credit card/ SumUp. We are also working on and testing our new facility to pay membership and other monies directly via our website.
vi. Didsbury Pride Event
DCS had a great response on the day. There were 3 lapsed members advising they would re-join, lots of interest in the “old photographs” with sales being made, along with some of the children`s goods. The updated attendance being advised as 4000 on the day. A tremendous number considering Covid 19.
vii. Heritage Open Days videos
The DCS has uploaded the recently completed videos to YouTube with the links to view being sent by email to all members.
viii. Social Trip Nostell Priory
Our first trip since the Covid-19 took place on Thursday 7th October. It was a great success, with 32 members joining the coach at Didsbury library at 8:30am, going via Batley Mill Outlet, the Cock and Crown for a carved lunch, then on to Nostell Priory on a nice sunny afternoon arriving back around 6:00pm. A very big thank you from the Trustees to the members for making the journey and to Margaret and Gordon for their research and planning of the trip and making it such a great event.
ix. A O B
a)The DCS has met with the MCC District Team of Mandy Salmon and Martin Saker to discuss the Didsbury Plan and Future Didsbury and are looking forward to a follow up meeting around the end of November 2021
b) The DCS has raised concerns regarding delays in transacting CRM reports and delivering resolutions in the agreed times.
c) Graffiti is on the rise again in Didsbury, which is disappointing especially after the DCS documented and photographed a large number of BT and other suppliers of street furniture. The owners as requested, cleaned and repainted the offending boxes, only for them to be re-graffitied making the village centre look run down again. Surely enforcement should be insisting on clean-ups of any offending boxes reported on the resident`s behalf, including follow-ups and cleaning within acceptable time frames. Fly posting is still an issue with offending items such as circus posters being put up and sellotaped to empty shop fronts and other street furniture. Surely an enforcement follow-up with the company involved would be helpful, most kindly leave their contact details for the purchase of tickets etc. Which could reduce further postings.
d) The none replacement of Steve Burgees by Biffa has added generally to the large amount of street debris and waste present around bin bases and pavements. Biffa knew he was retiring and should have had plans in place for a replacement especially as he was part of the cleansing contract, and not a Freebee. Since the meeting (JL) has made enquiries and has been advised that a new operative will start on the 18th October which is great news.
Next Planning & Licensing Meeting will be @ 6:45 for the sub group, and the General Meeting @ 7:30 on the 8th November 2021 via Zoom.
Last Updated: October 30, 2022 by Didsbury Civic Society
General Meeting and Planning and Licensing Meeting 11th October 2021
Minutes of the General Meeting and Planning and Licensing sub-committee held on Monday 11th October 2021 via Zoom.
Mike Corlett (Chair MCo), Mark Clayton (RMC), Gordon Browne (GB), Dominic Hardwick (DH), Pam Venning (PV), Brian Johnson (BJ), Geoff Bridson (GB), John Leech (JL), Richard Kilpatrick (RK) to 8pm, Andrew Simcock (AS), James Wilson (JW), Tony Parkinson (TP)
1.Welcome and Apologies
Apologies: Carol Wilkinson, Louise Smail, Mary Christie, Debbie Hilal
2. Minutes of the DCS General Meeting held on 14th June 2021 Minutes have been issued and accepted: Proposed (GB), Seconded (RK)
3. Matters Arising
Actions still required:
All three matters arising, still require response from MCC and the Environment Agency. Could we ask that the District Management team take up the outstanding matters for an early response?
Planning and Licensing Sub Group
The meeting took place as usual, prior to General Meeting Chaired by (MCo). The hard copy details will be issued with the GM Minutes and all inserted on the Website.
Total Applications: 4
Withdrawn: 0
Further information required: 2
Suggestions and Comments made:
All house numbers are in the public domain on the MCC Planning and Licensing portal
Full details are at the end of these minutes.
4. Business
i. Update on Ghost Wall Art (Costa Coffee)
A further Zoom meeting will take place with a sign writer artist on 21st October 2021 to seek best advice and best practice. The building owners and managing agents are indicating support for the project. The delivered project would also include the installation of a ground level story board.
ii. Cenotaph Garden of Contemplation
A small team chaired by Nick Bundock has been discussing and documenting terms of reference for the improvement project. MCC have agreed to carry out significant pruning and the squaring off to the bush area after Remembrance Sunday 2021, to make it more presentable. The discussions also include the owners of Casa Italia.
iii. Update on progress of The Jubilee Gardens
Good works are taking place between Southway Housing Trust and DCS to overhaul, weed and replant the area. A further session of perennial and bulb planting will take place on the 19th October. The area will then be cleaned and power washed as a final phase.
iv. Climate, Pollution and Green Space Open Meeting
The DCS welcomes the MCC Ward Plan. We also plan to work with MCC and hold an Open meeting for members and residents of Didsbury towards the end of November 2021 headed up by DCS Trustees (PV) and (RK).
v. DCS General Reorganisation and membership.
As previously reported, we have lost some members during lockdown due to Covid restrictions and probably age generally. We now have the ability to take funds via credit card/ SumUp. We are also working on and testing our new facility to pay membership and other monies directly via our website.
vi. Didsbury Pride Event
DCS had a great response on the day. There were 3 lapsed members advising they would re-join, lots of interest in the “old photographs” with sales being made, along with some of the children`s goods. The updated attendance being advised as 4000 on the day. A tremendous number considering Covid 19.
vii. Heritage Open Days videos
The DCS has uploaded the recently completed videos to YouTube with the links to view being sent by email to all members.
viii. Social Trip Nostell Priory
Our first trip since the Covid-19 took place on Thursday 7th October. It was a great success, with 32 members joining the coach at Didsbury library at 8:30am, going via Batley Mill Outlet, the Cock and Crown for a carved lunch, then on to Nostell Priory on a nice sunny afternoon arriving back around 6:00pm. A very big thank you from the Trustees to the members for making the journey and to Margaret and Gordon for their research and planning of the trip and making it such a great event.
ix. A O B
a)The DCS has met with the MCC District Team of Mandy Salmon and Martin Saker to discuss the Didsbury Plan and Future Didsbury and are looking forward to a follow up meeting around the end of November 2021
b) The DCS has raised concerns regarding delays in transacting CRM reports and delivering resolutions in the agreed times.
c) Graffiti is on the rise again in Didsbury, which is disappointing especially after the DCS documented and photographed a large number of BT and other suppliers of street furniture. The owners as requested, cleaned and repainted the offending boxes, only for them to be re-graffitied making the village centre look run down again. Surely enforcement should be insisting on clean-ups of any offending boxes reported on the resident`s behalf, including follow-ups and cleaning within acceptable time frames. Fly posting is still an issue with offending items such as circus posters being put up and sellotaped to empty shop fronts and other street furniture. Surely an enforcement follow-up with the company involved would be helpful, most kindly leave their contact details for the purchase of tickets etc. Which could reduce further postings.
d) The none replacement of Steve Burgees by Biffa has added generally to the large amount of street debris and waste present around bin bases and pavements. Biffa knew he was retiring and should have had plans in place for a replacement especially as he was part of the cleansing contract, and not a Freebee. Since the meeting (JL) has made enquiries and has been advised that a new operative will start on the 18th October which is great news.
Next Planning & Licensing Meeting will be @ 6:45 for the sub group, and the General Meeting @ 7:30 on the 8th November 2021 via Zoom.
Planning & Licensing Meeting Detail
Category: Minutes
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